There are many aspects of Greek bridal customs that make them special and distinctive. There are a lot of conventions that go along with it, from the meals to the decor, and particularly the meeting itself. Come look at a few of the most crucial types in more detail.

The best man and maid of honor in Greek is represented by the Koumbaro and Koumbara. They are the ones in charge of making the woman’s marriage agreements and are in fact accountable for everything that takes place Additionally, they serve as the couple’s relatives for the first infant.

Lighting the lambades is another of the most significant Greek bridal customs. This is done to indicate that the couple may be accepting Christ into their existence. Typically, the koumbaros will be in cost of obtaining the lambades and a high-quality box for the wedding board, where the priest rests them during the ritual.

The couple is crowned by the priest with wreaths ( stefana ) after the lambades have been lit. The crown represents the joining of two individuals in Christ. Following the coronation, the pastor reads a verse from the Bible about Jesus ‘ ceremony party miracle of turning water into wine. The couple then consumes wines three times each from a shared pot. Because blessed wine should n’t be wasted, the koumbaro will consume the remaining wine in the cup.

The wife frequently receives help from her second friends and family during the ceremony when putting on her clothing and apparel. Additionally, it is a custom that the bride writes the names of all her individual friends under her shoes and then checks them out after the marriage. The following man to get married is the one whose title is still on her sneaker.

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